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10821 MK2 /V8 OE Front Brake Pads

Product Code: 10821
Condition: New
Our Price:£0.00
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Part Number: 10821
(Square) OE Front Brake Pads

MK2 / V8
E-TYPE Series 1

Understanding Brake pads
Brake pads convert the kinetic energy of the car to thermal energy by friction. Two brake pads are contained in the brake caliper with their friction surfaces facing the rotor. When the brakes are hydraulically applied, the caliper clamps or squeezes the two pads together into the spinning rotor to slow/stop the vehicle. When a brake pad is heated by contact with a rotor, it transfers small amounts of friction material to the disc, turning it dull gray. The brake pad and disc (both now with friction material), then "stick" to each other, providing the friction that stops the vehicle.

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